my name is Torsten, and I am the founder of Astrobiomancy Ltd. Originally hailing from Germany, I am now living and working in Cyprus.
My goal with this website and the services that I offer is to help my clients to improve their lives. I do this by combining spiritual teachings with energy work and what I would call common sense life coaching.
Many of us are more or less dissatisfied with our lives. But...if we want to improve them, we have to commit to change. This will take us out of our comfort zone, and in the beginning it may not feel good. Even if our lives suck, that is what we are familiar with, and so it is not threatening to us. The unknown, however, can feel threatening. If we are being honest with ourselves, we can admit that we are afraid of it. We can admit that we rather keep suffering the known because we are afraid of moving into the unknown. So what we have to overcome first is our fear of the unknown.
There are so many teachings available nowadays on how to attract the life that we want, yet many of us fail to accomplish it. Why? Because we want to go from here to there without leaving our comfort zone. We don't want to move into the unknown. We want everything to come to us, without us having to go and get it. But that which prevents new things and people from coming into our lives is our very fear of change. It may not even be obvious. It can hide in the back of our minds while at the forefront there are justifications about why things are the way they are.
What we need to understand first, is that it is not the different things or people that we want, and that we focus on in our imagination, that lead to positive changes in our lives. The law of attraction does not give us things or people because we keep focusing on them. It gives us the physical equivalent of how we feel emotionally. Therefore, we can focus all day long on being wealthy, on living in the house of our dreams, on meeting our perfect soul mate or whatever. If we are not happy right now they're not going to manifest. All we do is reminding ourselves of the absence of that which we want, and that's why it remains absent.
So what we have to do is not spending our time daydreaming about things and people. Instead, it is better to focus on our emotions and therefore, on our physical body. What does the physical body have to do with our emotions, you ask? Everything.
Our physical body is the vehicle through which we experience this dream that we call life on Earth. So while we experience life on Earth, our body is the number one most important thing that we have to keep healthy, happy and satisfied in order to have a good life. Which is why diet is important, exercise is important, and the flow of energy into and through our body is important.
The services that I offer are therefore dietary & health advice, and energy work & blockage removal. They complement each other, and they accomplish two very important purposes. One is the strengthening of our focus on our body and our emotions, and the other is the progressive silencing of our mind of its incessant chatter.
Our body is our friend, always, but most of the time our mind isn't. Many teachers call that the ego and condemn it, but that is counterproductive to what we want to achieve. Our ego is our self, that which allows us, as the creator of our reality, to have any experience at all. The mind is a part of it, but it is nothing more than a receiver of thoughts. What we aim to do is not just to change the channel to one that allows us to receive more positive thoughts, but to move our focus elsewhere so that most of the time we receive no thoughts at all, unless we choose to tune right into them.
That is one reason why meditation can be incredibly beneficial if done correctly. It moves the focus from the thoughts to the senses, be that through breathwork or focus on sight, sound, touch or whatever. Many call this "being in the here and now", but really, we're always here and now. Even thoughts of the past or future are received here and now, but it is thoughts. That's the thing we want to get away from. If you have ever been "in the zone" you will remember that in that moment there were no thoughts at all, and you felt incredible.
So in a sense, most of what I do and teach is directed towards the goal of strengthening the focus on the body and the emotions, and softening the focus on thoughts. We don't want to do away with thoughts altogether. We rather want to take back our power of focus to be able to choose what we want to experience in any given moment. What we will notice, as we continue to put our attention on our body and our emotions instead of our thoughts, will be the progressive improvement of our lives in many different ways and with relative ease. We may not even notice the fear of the unknown so much anymore, because fear is first and foremost a characteristic of the mind. Focus on the body allows us to dispel fear naturally, because the underlying energetic blockages and imbalances will resolve themselves more and more the longer we practice what I call mindlessness, as opposed to the popular term mindfulness.
So, feel free to join me in this, if you will. Like you, I am forever imperfect and forever on the path of self-improvement and self-empowerment. What I have learned, I can teach, and if you need help, I am here.
Torsten / Astrobiomancy.com
Please select the service you’re interested in via the links below or the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
Note that none of these services contain medical advice. If you have serious health issues please contact your doctor or other licensed healthcare practitioner.
What types of coachings are available?
Spirituality / Non-duality. Law of Attraction. Diet, Health, Life & Relationships.
What does energy work entail?
Localisation of energetic blockages and/or so-called "harmful" energies/entities and their removal.
What are Biomantic / Astrobiomantic readings?
Readings of the biomantic field of the client and/or selected other individuals or animals, and communication of perceived bio-energetic and/or planetary (archetypal) indicators to the client.
What are Geomantic / Astrogeomantic readings?
Readings of the geomantic field of the client's environment and/or selected other environments, and communication of perceived geo-energetic and/or planetary (archetypal) indicators to the client.