Welcome to Astrobiomancy

Diet, health, life & spiritual coaching

About the book

Dear visitor,

my name is Torsten and I am the founder of Astrobiomancy Ltd. Originally hailing from Germany, I am now living and working in Cyprus, and I am fluent in both English and German. I am also the author of the book “Fat – Chance to heal”, which I have written under the pseudonym Walt Satyre (an anagram).

My goal with this book and the website is to offer diet, health & life coaching as well as energy work. The book, in particular, is for people who have been eating either a standard diet and suffered from excessive weight gain or detrimental health conditions because of it, or those who tried more new-agey diets like veganism and ruined their health that way. While this book is focused on animal-based eating, I am in no way saying that a vegetarian or even a vegan diet is wrong if it works for you. I am merely trying to show a different way to health, which is not the only way, and definitely not the right way for everyone. I am completely open to trying and/or recommending other types of diet, depending on what I am guided to.

For the last 15+ years the majority of my private life has been dedicated to the study of the things I offer here, and a lot of others. Thanks to more and more refined energy work in combination with common spiritual practices such as meditation, I have been able to reach a mostly uninterruped state of deep peace, love and contentment, occasionally bordering on bliss if the focus is directed in a particular direction. Although this is relatively uncommon, it is neither special nor unique. As a matter of fact, in this state all specialness and uniqueness loses it's meaning, because we become one with that which unifies everything.

I am convinced that the energy work I've been doing for over 10 years, the removal of blockages and other detrimental factors, has been one of the decisive factors in my development as a soul and a human being, and I am now offering my help to those who are not yet able to do this work on themselves, yet yearn for a life that is more in harmony with their true nature.

Apart from that, life has been kind enough to give me a lot of information about diet and health, some of which may seem quite unusual, and yet I have found it to be immensely useful. It has also helped me to learn through many trials and errors, so that I am now in a position to offer guidance to those who have not yet found their way to an optimal diet or vibrant health.

My book "Fat - Chance to heal?" offers a glimpse of what I've been working on, and is meant to be the beginning of a series which will deal with other topics besides diet, such as health and spiritual development. Future books will be written and published when I am guided to do it. Meanwhile, my services are available to those who are looking for help with regard to diet, health, life coaching, spiritual development and various other topics. While I advertize it as diet and health coaching, you can really ask me anything about life and spirit. In the end, it all comes together anyway. You lose your false identity and find your true self.

Since you were lead to this website, please allow me to encourage you to visit the Services section for further information on how to get in touch with me and to find out more about what I can do for you.

Thanks for coming here, and I hope you find what you are looking for!


Please select the service you’re interested in via the links below or the dropdown menu at the top of the page.

Note that none of these services contain medical advice. If you have serious health issues please contact your doctor or other licensed healthcare practitioner.

What does Dietary & health advice entail?

In-depth analysis of the client's current issues and advice based on vibrational parameters on how to change diet, thinking patterns and lifestyle for improved health and wellbeing, in order to facilitate groundbreaking positive life-changes.

What does Energy work & blockage removal entail?

Remote/non-local perception of energetic blockages and/or harmful energies/entities and removal of same by higher aspects of the energy worker.

What are Biomantic / Astrobiomantic readings?

Readings of the biomantic field of the client and/or selected other individuals or animals, and communication of perceived bio-energetic and/or planetary (archetypal) indicators to the client.

What are Geomantic / Astrogeomantic readings?

Readings of the geomantic field of the client's environment and/or selected other environments, and communication of perceived geo-energetic and/or planetary (archetypal) indicators to the client.