Energy work / Removal
Energy work & removal of unwanted energies and entities
The short version:
Time is precious, so if you don't want to read all of the below this should give you enough of an idea.
Blockages are obstructions that can take various different forms. In the end, all of it is energy that is not flowing the way it is meant to be. This includes what could be called entities, which siphon off energy for their own use. That is our use, too, but from our limited perspective as human beings we don't perceive it that way. Ultimately, everything is us and created by us, so these entities are not parasites or anything truly negative or bad. They fulfill a purpose in the grand scheme of things. Nonetheless, we want neither blockages that prevent proper energy flow, nor entities that appear to rob us of our juice. We want them gone.
The work I do, in very simple terms, is to remove these blockages and entities by allowing my attention to rest on them until they disappear. Why do they disappear? Because the vibration of our perception no longer matches the frequency range at which that blockage or entity exists. What blockages and entities show us, is where in the entirety of our being that we currently experience we reject something. That something is a part of us but is unseen, unloved, unappreciated. Nobody and nothing wants that. So what I do, is giving the love that everyone and everything in creation deserves to that part of us which has been deprived of it - symbolized by that blockage or entity - and that allows it to transform.
That is how all healing truly works, how consciousness expands, and how we ultimately reach what is called "enlightenment". We integrate instead of separate. We start with whatever we perceive as ourselves - for most of us that is our physical body - and then expand our sense of self further and further until ultimately we do the integration for the entirety of creation, because we find that there is nothing that is not us. That is how conditioned "human" love transforms into the unconditional love of the creator for all of its creation.
The long version:
It is possible to remove various kinds of energetic blockages, thereby improving the flow of energy/information within the physical, astral/emotional, mental, and higher bodies of an individual. This can improve health, life circumstances, mindset, confidence, worldview, life direction, abilities, level of consciousness and much more, and has the potential to increasingly silence the ego-mind of its incessant chatter.
This work is done remotely, or non-locally. If you are familiar with the metaphysical concept of the holographic nature of the universe, or multiverse, you will understand that it is not necessary to be present somewhere in physical form in order to effect changes. Mind over matter. Everything influences everything else, and changing one thing changes all.
While some practitioners need muscle testing to find blockages, and again after their removal to check if they have been cleared, I have been fortunate to develop the ability to sense energetic blockages directly, including their strength and intensity. That is why I am able to focus on anything that comes up, immediately recognize whether or not there is a blockage, and then allow my attention to remain there until the blockage is completely dissolved.
Why should we remove blockages?
Removing an energetic blockage improves the information processing capacity of our entire being in that specific regard, and by extension the capacity in every regard. The more blockages are removed, the more information can flow, the better, more relaxed, peaceful and unconditionally loving we feel over time, the more our life circumstances improve, and the more our consciousness expands. That's why this work is so important - it can have wide-ranging benefits in all areas of our life.
Apart from that, we may notice how our ego-mind gets quieter and quieter the more blockages are removed. The reason for this is that blockages are resonating with the information that is blocked, thereby reactivating thoughts again and again in our mind to notify us of their existence, like an echo. Once they are removed, the same information no longer reverberates in our mind, because there is no more obstruction to its flow, and therefore no more resonance. In other words, it has lost its meaning. Likewise, the emotion that came with the blocked information is gone as well. Over time, this can lead to a much more peaceful disposition, and a continuous feeling of relaxed wellbeing, where formerly we may have experienced persistent emotional ups and downs.
Since these are subtle energies we are dealing with here, changes happen after hours, days, weeks and even months. Many of them become apparent in hindsight, all the more obvious the more time has passed.
Usually, not all blockages can be removed at any given point in time. We are all going through a growth process, and changes need to be incorporated, lived and experienced before deeper blockages can be removed. This way, the light of our true being shines more and more brightly into our small self as we remove our baggage layer by layer, until at some point much of the darkness is gone, and we have become enlightened enough that we no longer even feel the need to facilitate this process. Then we start to allow life to unfold naturally, because our formerly contracted consciousness has been allowed to expand and become more than it was before, and eventually, all-that-is.
Below is an overview of what types of blockages can be removed. There are more, which may be less well-known but equally important, and we will get to these after the common ones have been dealt with. The removal of other types of blockages is offered only to individuals I have been doing energy work on for some time, and after certain changes have taken place. This is inspirational, and therefore to a certain degree spontaneous work. In other words, I will be guided to do certain things which are best for an individual at any given time.
Note that although in our day-to-day lives we keep talking a lot about "I", there is no actual "I" that does anything. These things simply happen, just like all of life simply happens. The only decision we, as the creator, observer, and experiencer of our creation can possibly make, is whether we see something from a contracted, or from an expanded point of view. One feels "negative", and is characterized by resistance, pressure and lack. The other feels "positive", and is characterized by non-resistance, ease and abundance.
So what the removal of blockages, as well as unwanted energies and entities does, is to facilitate a change in our lives from unwanted to wanted emotions, from detrimental to beneficial situations, or from resistance, pressure and lack to non-resistance, ease and abundance.
It is possible to remove blockages in:
Energy meridians
The physical body
The etheric body
The astral/emotional body
The mental body
The causal body
Higher bodies (There are different names for them in use.)
Also blockages relating to specific thoughts, people, events, emotions, fears, inhibitions and much more.
The possibilities are literally endless, as is our potential for expansion.
If you feel like there's a blockage somewhere, then it is very likely that it can be either removed directly, or its intensity reduced by removing related blockages. However, there are blockages that cannot be removed as long as certain conditions are not met, e.g. certain life changes may have to be made in terms of job, relationships, etc. if those have a detrimental effect.
Since different individuals can have a vastly different amount of blocked energy, both in terms of quantity of blockages, as well as intensity of the individual blockages, the cost of this work is time-based. That means you decide for how many minutes or hours of energy work you want to pay, and I will work on your energy field accordingly. Depending on the length of time, this can be one session or several. Most of that time is spent on cleansing/removing, harmonizing, and energizing.
I have been doing this work on myself for more than 10 years, and the removal of countless blockages has led to an expansion of consciousness which in turn leads to the harmonizing and energizing of other individuals simply by me being in their presence, or directing my conscious attention to them. We all do that when we choose to feel loving thoughts for another person, and the more expanded our consciousness is, the more powerful that effect will be.
The rest of the time in a session is used to write down where the main blockages were, so clients get an overview regarding their energetic "before" and "after" condition. Once the time is up, all work is stopped, and then the client is informed about the process, and whether or not it would make sense to continue the energy work at the next opportunity, or after a certain time period.
Usually, it is recommended to wait some time before more stuff is cleared. The energy that has been unblocked needs to pass through the system, and then whatever changes can take place are allowed to happen, before more blockages are removed, and the system is once again harmonized and re-energized.
It is also possible to remove "harmful", or rather unwanted, energies and entities
Attachments to other people
Curses, oaths or promises
Negative/harmful thought forms
Black magic or evil eye
Energetic chips or implants
Artificial intelligences (AI)
Foreign energies
Karmic attachments
Ancestral energies
and more.
"Harmful" entities:
Various types of astral beings and non-human entities, earthbound souls and others.
It is important to note here that these energies and entities are not really "negative" or evil. They all fulfill a specific purpose, and they are only there because we vibrate at a rate that allows them to attach to us. When that happens, they try to feed and survive, and therefore encourage us (unbeknownst to us) to keep up certain behaviours that supply them with their energy. For example, certain addictions can be there because there are beings attached to us that live from the juice they obtain through these behaviours, but these beings are also only there because the addictions are there. If one is eliminated, the other can disappear as well. Therefore, if a certain entity is removed, the door is open to get rid of an addiction or behaviour that fed that entity. If, however, that is not done, the same or a similar entity can reattach, and everything will be as before. So the most powerful and most important period to change our life is in the first days and weeks immediately following an energetic cleansing.
If you order a removal of unwanted energies and entities, then whatever I am guided to check and clear will be removed. If you have specific wishes, I can check for those, too. Life usually guides each of us to what is best for us, and supplies us with whatever helpful information we should have at any given point in time, if we allow it.
Overall, this energy work can lead to various improvements in life over time, many of which a client may not even attribute to the cleansings themselves, because in hindsight they seem to have developed naturally. However, the removal of energetic blockages, as well as unwanted energies and entities, is usually the decisive factor that leads to increased energy flow, which then facilitates all those changes in the life of an individual, as unrelated as they may seem.
Please keep in mind that, just like any detoxification, the removal of blockages may be followed by adverse reactions and cleansing symptoms for 1-3 days after a session of energy work. So if you feel unwell right after a cleansing has been done, rest assured that it shall pass and will be for your best. Once your body has adjusted, you will begin to feel better and lighter than before. It is recommended to spend this time alone, if possible, allow to happen whatever comes up, and if you can combine it with a fast, so much the better. This is the most natural thing to do, like an animal that stops eating and withdraws into its den during a healing period.
Energy work for a group
Every Sunday at approximately 9:00 am CET I am doing an energy work session for a group. This group consists of all individuals who purchased the group session package in the 7 days prior to that session. If you would like to be a part of the next session, please purchase the package by selecting it in the box below. The nature of this package gives interested individuals the chance to receive the benefits of a general, but nonetheless full energy work session for a very affordable price.
During the session I will clear all blockages that I perceive in chakras, in the auric fields, in the energy meridians, in the physical bodies, and various other parts of the energetic systems of all the individuals together, depending on what I am inspired to do as the session progresses. Some things are done every week, others interchangeably. It is not as highly individualized as a personal session and there will be no individual feedback for the participants, but it is still a full energy work session and blockages that are found are cleared in all participants.
As with individual sessions, I recommend to wait at least a complete moon cycle (28 days) before ordering another energy work session, to see what has changed and where there may still be issues. Blockages can only be removed layer by layer, and to get to the core issues the ones on the surface have to be dealt with first. Maybe that is why there are people who feel that they benefit from participating in every session, and due to the low cost they choose to be a part of it every week or every other week for a while until no more obvious benefits are noticed. Then it may be time for a break, to rest and to fully allow life to bring in the changes. I recommend to everyone to follow their own guidance with this.
All participants are welcome to tune in and do a one hour meditation at the time the session is done, but it is not a must. The blockages are removed whether the participants are conscious of it or not.
Note that the person who pays for the package will be the person who benefits, so it is not possible to buy this for someone else. The reason for this is that as the session begins the intention is set to include all who purchased this package during the last 7 days, and since energetically we are all one, spirit will guide the energy in the appropriate ways to the respective participants.
- of blockages - 30 minutes: 60 Euro
- of unwanted energies & entities - 30 minutes: 60 Euro
- of blockages + unwanted energies & entities - 1 hour: 100 Euro
- of blockages (Energy work for a group) - 60 minutes: 15 Euro
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