About me
Book publishing, energy work and coaching business
About Astrobiomancy Ltd.
Astrobiomancy Ltd. was founded with the goal to be of service to people who are looking for energy healing, enlightenment and non-duality teachings, as well as health and diet coaching. The different kinds of service that are offered are detailed in the respective sections on this website.
Long-term clients may also request energetic readings relating to biological organisms like human beings and animals, called Biomancy and Astrobiomancy, as well as energetic readings about places under the headers of Geomancy and Astrogeomancy.
These or similar areas of expertise have been practised widely in the distant past, but fell into disregard and even contempt with the rise theological dogmatism, and further with the advent of modern science and medicine. Interest in them is growing again, however, as the new age dawns, and the movement of the masses towards a more spiritual life gains momentum in this new millennium.
About me
My name is Torsten. I was born and grew up in Germany, but I'm currently living in Cyprus. I first became interested in spirituality, energy work, different healing modalities and related topics back in 2008. Shortly after I began to practice dowsing, I became aware that as the dowsing rods crossed I felt a difference in my body, too. I was able to find not just water veins but also fault lines, planetary lines and different other geomantic properties just by focusing my mind on them and then sensing differences in the energy as I took walks in nature. While experimenting, which I did a lot of back then, I even noticed that I could tell when the electric stove in my kitchen turned on the heat while I was at the other end of my house. I could just tune into that and feel the electric energy flow or stop flowing. I also developed quite a sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation.
By experimenting with different diets I noticed that a vegan diet would increase the negative effects of WIFI radiation on my body, while a diet high in fat would alleviate most symptoms. Over time, I learned why that is the case and also why our bodies react in a certain way to different foods. Some of that information came from the countless books that I read back then, but a lot of it was also received intuitively and then put into a relationship with other things I had learned. Over time, a concept started to develop that years later I would write down in my book "Fat - Chance to heal?". While I took plenty of notes about information that I received and found endlessly fascinating at that time, I never considered it good enough to be published in the form of a book, also because I kept learning more and revising concepts that no longer had the same value to me. Even the book I did write would not be written in the same way anymore, but I still think it's a very good resource for the part of the population that easily gains weight on a high carb diet. Personally, I don't belong in that group, and since I am now living on an island and in a rather warm climate, I actually eat a mostly plant-based diet after experimenting with carnivore and animal-based eating for several years. Those who have read my book will understand why temperature and proximity to the sea can have a considerable influence on the dietary needs of our bodies.
Anyway, back to 2012 or so - I put the dowsing rods aside and kept focusing on and working with that inner sense that I was developing. I noticed that I was able to sense energetic blockages in my body and energy field, in chakras, those related to emotions, to thoughts and mental concepts, in relationship to people, things and places, and a lot more. I also found some unwanted entities attached to my energy field, and various energetic interferences such as oaths, curses, ancestral contracts, karmic attachments and more that I was able to clear. Throughout the next years, I removed a lot of stuff from my system, and I still do whenever I am inspired to look for a certain thing. In a way, this is what psychokinesiologists do when they do muscle testing to find and clear harmful energies and entities, only I need no muscle test for it. Instead, I get a clear sense if there is a blockage, an entity or an energetic attachment, and I just allow my attention to rest on them until they dissolve. When that happens, I know that my vibration has increased so that I am no longer an energetic match to the vibration of whatever was removed. It is the same for clients that I work with. Energy work will inevitably facilitate changes in vibration and consciousness that can have far-reaching, positive consequences down the line. Since we are working with subtle energies it is not always something that's immediately visible or tangible, but some changes may be felt right away or within a few days, such as a greater sense of freedom, of peace, of relaxation, of a weight being removed, of clearer thinking, of reduced cravings, of fears or inhibitions that have disappeared, and various other benefits.
In hindsight, I must say that the energy work was most likely the main reason why my mind got progressively more quiet, my behaviour and personality changed, my priorities in life shifted, my understanding increased, my vibration was able to rise and my consciousness expanded the way it did, and why I gained not just a better understanding of spirituality in general, but was also able to incorporate it more deeply into my life. Over the years, I went through a steady transformation that led to certain realizations and the development of peace of mind and unconditional love, while still retaining the sense of an individual self. I know that I am the dreamer of my dream, but also the dream character, and that those two are distinct concepts that seemingly grew out of the unmanifest and exist side-by-side. I realized that the human is not meant to be God, even though many of us, in our spiritual fervor, strive to reach Christ-consciousness and inevitably fail, myself included, instead of giving up and just living our lives fully and deeply. This may be one of the most important realizations - that it is not our job to force the human persona to become an image of the divine, but that instead we can allow ourselves to be fully human, with all our flaws and failings, to just play our given role, and through the very non-judgement of our imperfection allow our consciousness to reach higher and more expanded states of existence. That is how we become more holy - more wholly - by embracing our shadow and loving our ego, and by allowing everything and everyone to be exactly as they are, including all of ourselves. Thus, we integrate instead of separate, and ultimately become one with all.