About Astrobiomancy Ltd.

Book publishing, energy work and coaching business

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Astrobiomancy Ltd. was founded with the goal to be of service to people who are looking for energy healing, enlightenment and non-duality teachings, as well as health and diet coaching. The different kinds of service that are offered are detailed in the respective sections on this website.

Long-term clients may also request energetic readings relating to biological organisms like human beings and animals, called Biomancy and Astrobiomancy, as well as energetic readings about places under the headers of Geomancy and Astrogeomancy.

These or similar areas of expertise have been practised widely in the distant past, but fell into disregard and even contempt with the rise theological dogmatism, and further with the advent of modern science and medicine. Interest in them is growing again, however, as the new age dawns, and the movement of the masses towards a more spiritual life gains momentum in this new millennium.